August Reads and life update

9/03/2010 11:00:00 PM / Posted by Kris /

Well I totally missed the fact that it turned September. Reading wise I did very well but it will definitely taper off this month now that school is back in session. I got a job, sort of. I am teaching but I am only covering a maternity leave, but it buys me some time to find a job. The ten day count is now up so schools will hopefully be looking to hire more teachers to keep class counts down. So please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. But in the mean time I am having a blast teaching middle school. I am learning all sorts of new things that I never had to do as an elementary music teacher, testing and such. So it is neat, but also exhausting. I come home and as soon as the kids go to bed I am ready for bed too, my poor hubby is tired of me being tired. I am so wiped from getting back into the teaching groove and having so much to learn and do in a 7.5 hour day (that gets extended to grade papers, get grades inputted, make sure all the office paperwork gets turned in, call parents, detentions, tutoring, etc.).
Anyway, in other news, my church is having its grand opening the end of this month so that is exciting. We have been working on getting it going for about a year. The church that is planting us has been dreaming about this for about three years, but we just got hooked up with them about a year ago.
I hope that everyone is doing great and that everyone has an awesome Labor Day. We are running all over this weekend, which is great to see friend and family but also busy. but it is a fun busy :)
Here are my reads and grades for the month, great reading month, lots of good books.

Rapture Untamed (Feral Warriors Book 4) by Pamela Palmer (B)
Red Hot Fury by Kasey MacKenzie (reviewed for Book Binge)
Her Vampire Husband (Wicked Games Book 3) by Michele Hauf (B)
Body Master (Body Book 1) by CJ Barry (review for Book Binge)
Regina in the Sun (Book 1) by RG Alexander (B)
Heart Journey (Celta Book 9) by Robin D. Owens (A)
The Unblessed King (Book 1) by Michelle M Pillow (B)
A Little Bit Wicked by Victoria Alexander (B)
Once Bitten (Kita Book 1) by Kalayna Price (B)
Take Me by Bella Andre (A)
And the Lady Makes Three anthology (ebook) (re-read)
Veil of Night by Linda Howard (B)
Edge of Desire (Primal Instincts Book 3) by Rhyannon Byrd (B-)
Infamous by Suzanne Brockmann (DNF)
Seducing Jane Porter (Jane Porter Book 1) by Dominique Adair (B)
Wicked Pleasure by Lora Leigh (A-)
Honoring the Goddess by Madison Blake (ebook) (B)
Master of Fire (Mageverse book 6, but actually the 10th story) by Angela Knight (B+)
Possess Me anthology by RG Alexander (A-)
Heart Throb by Suzanne Brockmann (re-read)
Love's Fortress (Brothers in Arms Book 7) by Samantha Kane (review for Book Binge) (A)

23 books this month.

Favorites: Love's Fortress by Samantha Kane, and Dark Embers by Tessa Adams

Least favorite: Infamous by Suzanne Brockmann. Now I am a total Suzanne Brockmann fangirl but I had a hard time getting into this one. The ghost aspect is throwing me off. I will definitely try it again because it is probably just I am not in the mood for it. I have yet to read abook of hers that I did not love and I do not want it to start now. That is why I re-read HeartThrob to get my Brockmann groove back on.

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Comment by Christine on 9/08/2010 1:36 PM

I remember being ultra exhausted when I was teaching and my first was a baby. I would get home in the late afternoon and nap with her on my bed before getting up to make dinner and then stay up late doing planning and grading and such. And that was just ONE baby and we were in an apartment. I couldn't imagine trying to get into a groove with THREE very young kids --all of whom probably don't nap any more and NEED so much, and household chores for a family of five. I'm tired just THINKING about it. Hang in there!!!

Comment by Tracy on 9/14/2010 4:14 PM

Good to hear that you're working. I imagine it IS quite exhausting taking care of those kids during the day. I'd be done for when my kiddles went to bed too. Hopefully you'll be able to find a permanent position.

Great reading month. I really loved Kane's new book as well.

Comment by M on 9/22/2010 2:19 PM

Hey babe,

I'm so glad about the temp job. I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep praying you find something permanent.

Are you falling into a routine now?

You had a great reading month! very nice.

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