There was a conversation going on the Romantic Times Forum and it brought up a few books by Linda Howard that I could not remember if I read, so I wandered down to my library and grabbed them. It turns out that I had read them, but Ms Howard's books are always good for a re-read. I hope everyone has a great Easter!!
Duncan was a great hero. Maddie was a great heroine as well. She has a great backbone and love of life. I loved re-reading this book. It is basically a marriage of convienence book and I enjoy those. Great classic Howard.
Hoping to meet a no-nonsense wife who will help him on the ranch while raising a family, Reese Duncan simultaneously hopes to avoid a woman like his crushing first wife and finds more than he bargained for in Madelyn Patterson.

I love Ms Howard's heros, they are so alpha but able to humble themselves when they meet the right woman. I remember the first time I read this I was crying with them at the funerals, I hadn't read many suspense books and was not used to any of the characters dying.
"What would make the perfect man?" That's the delicious topic heating up the proceedings at a certain table of professional women at their favorite restaurant, Ernie's, tonight: Mr. Perfect. What qualities would he have? Would he be tall, dark, and handsome? Caring and warmhearted -- or will just muscular do? Jaine Bright and her three girlfriends start off with the basics -- he'd be faithful and reliable, the responsible type, with a great sense of humor.
But as the conversation picks up momentum, so do the quartet's requirements for Mr. Perfect -- and they write down a tongue-in-cheek checklist that's both funny and racy. The next thing they know, the List, as it has come to be called, spreads like wildfire throughout their company and sizzles along e-mail lines. And it doesn't stop there: the List becomes an overnight sensation, grabbing the interest of local newspapers and television coverage. No one expected this avalanche of attention for something that began as a joke among friends. And the joke turns deadly serious when one of the four women is murdered...
The prime suspect in the case is the victim's boyfriend, who was one of a number of men who found the List sexist and offensive. But an impenetrable alibi gets him off the hook. Now, with the help of Jaine's neighbor, an unpredictable police detective, the puzzle must be solved -- and time is running out as a deadly stalker targets the three remaining friends. Now, knowing whom to trust and whom to love is a matter of survival -- as the dream of Mr. Perfect becomes a chilling nightmare.
I have Duncan's Bride in my tbr. Mr. Perfect is a fave of mine. Love rereading that book!
I can't count how many times I've read Duncan's Bride...I just love Duncan. Can't help myself, really.
As for Mr Perfect...that's my most fave LH book of all time--yet (since she can't stop herself from doing all these fantabulous stuff!).
Mr. Perfect was my first Linda Howard book. I loved it and it was a keeper for me! And I very rarely do contemps.
I love LH's books (at least the ones that i have read).
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